Help raise at least £400,000 for our new building

“See what the Lord Has done, what we waited for has come to pass” After years of waiting on the Lord for our own building where we can worship God and lift up His holy name, it finally happened on Friday 26th of August 2022.

God blessed KICC THE OPEN DOOR with her own building which does not require any planning permission to operate as a church. (Pictures below) It consist of a main auditorium with a gallery that has a combine seating capacity of 450- 500 people and a second hall with a capacity to seat 250 people. We thank God for the faithful giving of people who have been part of this journey with us.

We are now in the process of starting a renovation of the internal space to better suit our needs and purpose. Hence we have launched EZRA PROJECT which gives everyone the opportunity to be part of this glorious project. We encourage you to join others to make this dream come true. We are raising £400,000 to help us achieve this.

Please complete the simple this form below stating clearly which group of givers you want to pledge to.

We appreciate you taking time to share in our joy and visiting our website to participate in this rewarding project.

As you join us to make our dream come true, God will make your dreams come true in Jesus name. Amen.

Please find below our giving details
Account Name: KICC The Open Door
Account Number. 82023520
Sort Code: 40-01-13
IBAN Number: GB921HBUK40011382023520

Yours in His service,

Dr Dipo Oluyomi
Resident Pastor KICC THE OPEN DOOR